Globalized ERP solutions are the best bets available for organizations that have units functioning across different geographies that follow different practices. These ERP solutions help study, map, implement, and audit these variances across operational units, from payroll to HR and finance, giving the enterprise a competitive edge in this tough business landscape.
Cloud ERP solutions help deliver this critical balance between local and global by building every customization around the core workflow. Hence the solutions can be configured at a local level, incorporating every critical local variance, from VAT or GST to legal practices. This approach can exponentially increase data and functional accuracy, simplify operations, and drastically increase scope for a smooth adoption of the solution.
So what are the key points you should note when you seek an ERP solution that delivers glocalized solutions across your global customers, vendors, partners, and other stakeholders?
1. Check whether your cloud ERP solutions provider invests in identifying the need for localization – be it multi-currency, time zones, or even accounting standards such as indirect taxation formats – by taking into account all these diverse requirements. Ensure that your ERP solutions provider invests the required attention and time to understand all the essential variances and incorporate the differences in a tailor-made manner that suits your convenience
2. Focus on achieving a well-integrated and seamlessly functional operational landscape across all locations and countries by incorporating these unique best practices and regulatory requirements with an ERP framework.
3. Ensure that the solution builds enough scope to modify or scale up these variances in an effortless manner.
4. Check whether the ERP solutions provider uses AI and related intelligent technology to capture even intricate variances and updates in preset parameters and trigger updates through cloud ERP.
5. Choose the ERP solutions provider who can provide you with all the benefits of glocalization at a reasonable cost by offering solutions such as a SaaS-based ERP package.